
Press Statement About Watson Guide Service

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Carolina Skiff LLC is aware of the criminal and civil actions pending against Shane Watson and his guide service. Mr. Watson was never an employee or sales agent of Carolina Skiff LLC. He was not an authorized independent sales representative for Carolina Skiff LLC. Carolina Skiff LLC was never aware of any business dealings Mr. Watson had with any of those who claim to be defrauded by Mr. Shane Watson.

Mr. Watson had a guide sponsorship agreement with Carolina Skiff LLC and leased 1-2 boats per year from Carolina Skiff LLC to use in his guide service. In return, Mr. Watson agreed to promote the boats through his guide service, and, at the conclusion of the lease agreement, he had to purchase the leased boats at invoice price. Once purchased, Mr. Watson was free to sell the boats if he so desired, just like any other boat purchaser.

Upon learning of the allegations against Mr. Watson, and upon his recent default of the terms of the lease agreement, Carolina Skiff LLC has attempted to recover the two boat packages (boat, motor and trailer) that were being leased for the 2017-2018 timeframe. No other boats were subject to the lease and Mr. Watson had no authority to order, possess, purchase, or contract any boats for him or any third parties.

Carolina Skiff LLC is also a victim of Mr. Watson and is in the process of taking criminal and civil action against Mr. Watson. As mentioned, Mr. Watson defaulted under the terms of the lease agreement and Carolina Skiff has been unable to recover one of the two boats. In addition, Mr. Watson in February 2017 and February 2018 solicited and received donations from Carolina Skiff LLC for what Carolina Skiff LLC was told was a foundation for kids called “The Sunday Afternoon Kids.” Mr. Watson mentions this foundation on his website. This foundation is not recognized by the State of Georgia and Carolina Skiff LLC is working with authorities to determine whether it is a legitimate foundation. If it, in fact, did not exist, then fraud has been perpetrated on Carolina Skiff LLC as well.

Carolina Skiff is sympathetic to anyone wronged by Mr. Watson and joins in the frustration created by this ordeal. However, Carolina Skiff is working closely with authorities to ensure justice ensues and encourages anyone with information related to Mr. Watson and his business dealings to contact the proper authorities.