
Make a Float Plan for Worry-Free Boating

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Going boating means escaping from the ties that bind us to schedules and obligations that require being places at specific times. The last thing you want to do when being on the water to get away from the hectic pass of life is be accountable for exactly what time you will return to port.


Carolina Skiff owners choose the brand for it reliability after 30 years in the business. Reliability is what a float plan provides.


Carolina Skiff offers a varity different models to choose from, the Ultra Series to the JVX SS Series.  A different model to meet every angler and recreational boat user’s needs.


While you are out, loved ones care about your safety. That’s why filing a float plan is a must for your safety and the peace of mind for anyone else ashore. The plan might be a lifesaver or save a lot of headaches should you simply break down with a minor mechanical issue.


A sticky note pasted to the refrigerator saying you’ve gone boating and will be back by dark is not a sufficient float plan, although it’s a start. You need not get so detailed that it becomes overbearing to file your float plan. You must provide vital information to connect the dots should you break down or worse.


Defined, a float plan is a list of identifiers that rescuers can use to find your whereabouts, notify concerned family members and generally use the information to provide aid. Here’s an example of what information is generally included in a float plan.


  • A detailed description of your boat for identification purposes
  • The itinerary, including planned departure and return times, or dates, and where you plan to overnight
  • A list of passengers, including their emergency contact numbers and any health conditions
  • What safety equipment you have on board, including electronics such as VHF radios
  • Home port or launch ramp details, such as a description of your tow vehicle
  • Your emergency contacts


All of the above seems like a lot of wasted time to spend when you’d rather get out the door and head for the water. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary has a float plan you can complete and save on your computer. You can update it when you decide when and where to go. That cuts out a lot of time, and you can email the plan to choose as emergency contacts.


Here’s the link to the Official Site of the Float Plan.